

Rice Balls


Sent these in the lunches the other day.
Want to know how to make 'em ?
I've posted the 'how to'
before ... here.


  1. What's in the middle? This photo makes me want to head right out to my nearest "sebun-elebun" and get a "shee-chikun" onigiri for lunch!

  2. love the little soy sauce.
    mouth is watering...

  3. i don't put anything in the middle of the kids ones this here one has only got toasted sesame seeds mixed through the rice. i am able to get kombu at my favorite asian shop so that's what i put in mine.

    i just realized that i didn't finish this post ... ha ha. there's nothing in it except the photo. not the way i intended it to be. should fix that ...

  4. YUM! AK, we should make these again sometime soon :-) I remember we put tuna in some and a pickled something in some...can't remember what it was though.

  5. YUM! AK, we should make these again sometime soon :-) I remember we put tuna in some and a pickled something in some...can't remember what it was though.

  6. I only posted my comment once...not sure why it posted it twice!

  7. I thought you were serious for a minute there Ali ... uh, Andrea !!!

  8. When we make them I like to have a choice of tuna, konbu (pickled seaweed), ume-boshi (salty pickled plums), and tuna salad (shee-chikun!) We DO need to make them again!

  9. Love the onegiri. Used to prefer ume-boshi or shee-chikun. When I worked in Yokosuka, we had a Sebun-Erebun around the corner, and I often stopped by there for a quick lunch...


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