

Menu Plan Monday - Khrista - 08.03.09

Zucchini Pie #4 on her menu

This was new to us, and really yummy. Almost like a Frittata. Used up the zucchini we had!
Grilled Ratatouille Salad with Whole Wheat Pasta

Never did get around to eating this last week, so it's making an appearance on the menu again this week. I have to use the eggplant before it goes bad!
Cauliflower with Mustard-Lemon Butter New to us...will let you know how it is!
Yellow Peppers Stuffed with Quinoa, Corn, and Feta - From a book I borrowed from a friend titled: "Vegetarian Suppers" by Deborah Madison. It is the book cover recipe! ;) I'll post the recipe if it's good.
Broccoli with Asian-Style Dressing This recipe came in our farm share newsletter last week. Will let you know how it is.
Lemon Spaghetti with Salad

One of our favorites for Summer...Winter...Fall...Spring...ANYTIME! :)
Pizza Night!

Pictured is Pizza Primavera...minus the asparagus I believe...
Stress-Free Pasta with Salad

Eat Out or "Raid the Pantry"

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