

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 10 August 2009

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Remember how last week I said I was going to "make a huge batch tomorrow night so there is plenty to freeze to have on hand for those nights when I need to pull something out of the freezer quickly. I think I will try to make one meal like this each week to keep the freezer stocked with easy to re-heat home cooked meals ..." I was talking about spaghetti sauce and I did. We have four dinners worth of sauce frozen ! Then last night, I double a lasagna recipe and we now have four lasagna dinners and four lasagna lunches frozen !! I'm so excited about this !

Do you have any recipes that freeze really well ?? I'd love for you to leave a comment with a link so I can get some ideas for what to fill the freezer with. Rory is even talking about a deep freezer now ...

Here's this week's menu.

Trying a new Ratouille with Crusty Bread on the side. I'm going to serve it on quinoa ...
I want to try Khrista's one next ...

Zucchini Pie with salad from our garden

Cabbage/Polish Sausage
Will serve on rice or mashed potatoes

Spaghetti ~ from the freezer

Funky Lime Pizza

ooops ... haven't planned for Saturday

or Sunday either ...


  1. I found your blog through the Orgjunkie post.

    Here are a few links to freezer meals we have done and enjoyed:

    Taco rice -

    Parsley parmesan chicken -

    Teriyaki chicken - (super easy)

    Three chese baked spaghetti -

  2. Your lime pizza looks . . . fascinating! We do pizza night every Friday, and, while my husband is attached to the tried-and-true "pepperoni and lots of cheese" model, I love trying new and different things on mine! (That, and it drives him nuts - a girl's gotta have some fun!)

    As for freezer meals, you're right in that they make our lives SO much easier! This week, we're having a dinner guest, and we'll just pull some jambalaya from the freezer - all we need is to heat it and stir into fresh rice, maybe a salad or some greens on the side - it's so easy, and SO tasty!

  3. I just put a bunch of meals in the freezer this weekend (ground beef was on sale big time) - here's what I did:

  4. Smitten Kitchen's Ratatouille looks really good! I'll have to try that one!
    The Zucchini Pie was good! I used smoked cheddar and smoked gouda instead of the provolone when I made it.
    And I LOVE that funky lime pizza! Might have to make that again this week! Dave even enjoyed two pieces! He is usually a stickler for his fave...meat with extra meat! ha!

  5. In addition to spaghetti sauce and meatballs I make large batches of pulled pork and big batches of chili - all freeze great. I also cook and freeze bags of chicken and ground beef to have on hand for quick recipes.

    I posted my menus for the month, including several recipe links here...

    And when you have some time come over to read my rather lengthy entry about meal planning, shortcuts, meal stretching, freezer meals, etc. here...

    Have a great weekend!


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