

Green Smoothie ~ Day Two ~ Bonnie


Moving more towards green. Yesterday was pink. Today, we're more of a brown ...
Maybe tomorrow I'll finally get a green one ??

Although, after reading Khrista's post, I'm thinking maybe I need to blend longer.


Here's what I put in today's ...

One banana
handful frozen blueberries
half handful frozen raspberries
5 big fresh strawberries
1 whole roma tomato
agave nectar
and two or three cups of baby spinach


It was yum, and no, you can't taste the tomato ...

1 comment:

  1. Blend the heck out of it! Seriously! You can't OVER blend it, but you certainly can UNDER blend. I'd say up the greens a little more too. For 5 cups of liquid today, I put in 4 cups of baby spinach. G. drank it again this morning! YIPEE!! I am going to up hers to 2 cups soon, instead of 1 since she seems to like them. Don't want to push it though, and have her hate slowly... :)
    The tomato was a nice twist, I'll have to try that. I am out of spinach now, so it's on to the kale, collards, and chard!


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