

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 11 May 2009

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Last weekend was crazy ... we had a wedding and it was a long (holiday) weekend and well, I just didn't get a menu planned. And then I just grabbed ingredients for a couple quick meals to get us through til Friday when I thought I'd shop. So ...we did sushi and carbonara and easy stuff like that. Then Friday came and for some reason, I didn't get the shopping done ... oh, that's right ... I hadn't planned the menu !! And then we went out on Saturday night and last night I scrounged around and made this out of the few remaining bits and pieces in the fridge ...

sushi rice
fried egg
mushrooms with red, white and spring onions cooked in garlic and soy sauce
sauteed zucchini with garlic salt

So ... here I am Monday morning needing desperately to make a menu !! Let's see what we can come up with ...

Monday ... Sushi. always need something easy on shopping day ...


Tuesday ... Lemony Chicken and Israeli Cous Cous Salad Deliciousness ! and steamed broccoli


Wednesday ... Finally trying Khrista's Vodka Pasta with steamed broccoli (yeah, again !)

Thursday ... Mexican Beans and Rice

Friday ... Chorizo Stuffed Chicken (new recipe), Roast Potatoes with Feta , and this delicious Balsamic Pea Salad that I can't believe I've never posted here ...

I'm going to try something different this week. I'm only going to shop through Friday's meals ... and then I will assess and see if we can make the weekend on the leftovers and bits and pieces. If not, I'll shop again for those two days. I'm hoping this will help us not waste food ...

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