

Stress Free Pasta

Stress Free Pasta
Sara Snow

1 lb whole-wheat pasta
4 cloves garlic - diced
1 28oz can of whole or quartered tomatoes
1 jar Greek olives
1/8 cup capers
1 pound fresh organic spinach
Fresh oregano – chopped
Fresh basil – chopped

Cook pasta according to directions. Sauté garlic.
Add tomatoes, olives, capers and spices.
Toss in spinach at the last minute so that it wilts, but doesn’t cook through.
Toss in pasta.
Serve w/ spinach salad drizzled w/ flax seed oil (omega 3 for brain and heart health) and soy sauce.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in my office doing filing and I saw these two come in ... gotta love the email notifications !! Anyway ... they both look delicious and may BOTH be on my menu next week ! Actually ... I think I could make the zucchini one this week ... I've got all the ingredients !!


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