

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 26 January 2009

Friday :

We are so having these Lamb Skewers with Mango Chutney and Rice again ! They are so good. I'm writing this on Thursday ... in advance ... since we have visitors coming tomorrow and staying for the weekend. Not much time to blog, I'm afraid !!

Saturday :

An easy favorite ... sushi.

We do make your own and everyone loves it. Plus, it's a good hot weather meal. I'm having trouble thinking of good hot weather meals. All my cookbooks are cold weather !!

Anyone got some good summer meals for me ??


Sunday :

This should be a good summer meal. We've eaten it cold as leftovers and liked it ....

Orzo Veg Salad

Monday :

I don't know why I haven't made this one much. It's delicious !!


Tuesday : Garlic and Coriander Chicken

Wednesday : Make your own Taco Salad

Thursday : Leftovers ... or eggs on toast ... or aliolio ... we'll think of something ...

Also ... I'm baking something for lunches each week ...
This week I'm trying Agave and Honey Oatmeal Cookies.

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