

A (shortened) Menu Plan

Pam and I took a little field trip to the asian grocery store downtown and to the new low-price organic grocery store called Sprouts. Both stores were really fun! We had to stop ourselves from buying absolutely everything in sight :P

Sunday - Sushi Bowls
I found a nice sized chuck of delicious yellowfin tuna at Sprouts for $2.88!

Monday - Pasta Puttanesca
A tube of anchovy paste JUMPED into my cart at the Pacific Mercantile and all of a sudden I had to make this amazing pasta dish!

Tuesday - Chicken Vindaloo
Also making the leap into my cart was a packet of vindaloo seasoning. It just begged to be slathered all over my costco chicken. And wouldn't ya know, a box of palak paneer was on sale at Sprouts!

The rest of the week I won't be home for dinner. Fortunately my shortened menu makes up for it with sheer yuminess!

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