

Quick and Easy (and VERY YUMMY) Cream Biscuits

These biscuits are so yummy and SOOOOOOO very easy! My mom makes a mean biscuit, but they take a bit of work to make them. Sorry mom...that recipe is out and this one is now in!! No more cutting anything in...but don't worry, they are still light and fluffy!
Makes Eight 2 1/2 inch Biscuits
2 Cups unbleached all-purpose flour (plus extra for the counter)
2 teaspoons granulated sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon table salt
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1. Adjust oven rack to up-middle position and heat oven to 450 degrees (or ~232 degrees Celsius). Line baking sheet with parchment paper (cut any paper that is over hanging off the cooking sheet cause the paper will turn brown and burn)
2 Whisk (I used a fork and it worked fine) together flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in medium bowl. Stir in cream with a WOODEN SPOON until dough forms, about 30 seconds. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured counter and gather into a ball. Knead the dough briefly until smooth, about 30 seconds. (don't worry though...unlike traditional biscuits, cream biscuits benefit from relatively rough treatment.). Shape the dough into a 3/4 inch-thick circle.
Cut into rounds: shape the dough into a round and cut with a biscuit cutter.
Cut into wedges: press the dough into an 8-inch cake pan, then turn the dough out. Using a knife or dough scraper, cut the dough into 8 wedges.
Place rounds or wedges on parchment-lined baking sheet. (The baking sheet can be wrapped in plastic wrap and refrigerated for up to 2 hours). Bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes, rotating baking sheet halfway through baking.
ENJOY! I ate mine hot with butter and raspberry jam. YUM! Uncle Jim loved them so much he left a note on the board for me. :-) Ak is requesting them for Torah breakfast on Saturday...they're a hit!! :-)


  1. I second the request that you make them for torah breakfast. any biscuits that you say are as good as mom's are a MUST try!

  2. These things are fantastic. I loved them...


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