

An idea ....

I really should be vacuuming my house, I do have people coming for dinner tonight, but I am so excited about this idea I've had that I just had to do a quick post so I can get some feedback !

I was thinking it would be fun to do a "foods of the world" thing ... what should I call it ? We would all cook, photograph, and post a recipe of a certain country and post it here. I would open it up to other food bloggers to link to as well. And we could invite "guest bloggers" to the beans blog to post for certain meals ... (but that is really just a scam to get Ally to take photos of Stephan making his famous Paella so I can get the recipe !!!) ha ha

I need a bit of input though so here's my questions ...

1. Are you interested ?

2. How often would we do it ? Like, would we do one country per month ? or every two weeks ? Each person could cook as few or as many dishes as they like in that time ... but I'm just wondering how often is good ? I'm leaning towards once a month, as that gives plenty of time to decide what recipe to do and plan it into our menus ... we'd get through 12 countries in a year ... but if we did every two weeks we'd double that ! Let me know what you think.

3. Which countries do you think would be fun to do first ? Maybe give me your top five and I'll pick the most popular ones to start with ...

I really do need to go !! Company is coming in two hours and I just made gyoza (from scratch !) for me and Jono. That's what happens when I don't eat lunch ... I go gourmet at 3:00 pm !! But, I did do a little video tutorial on how to make it ... that's coming soon ... but not before my company !!! Aaagggg !! ( face on hands like home alone kid )

Leave me some feedback !! I can barely contain my excitement at the plethora of recipes from different countries that may soon be linked to the beans blog ...


  1. There is a Guernsey meal called "Bean Jar" (for the brave), no seriously it is pretty good - if you'd like me to share it sometime let me know :-)

  2. Hey Bonnie! I think this is a wonderful idea! I don't have my own food blog, but if you ever decide to do Puerto Rico, I have a fantastic recipe I could share. Can't wait to see how your idea develops!

  3. Bonnie I like the idea.
    I'm a bit scared to tell you the truth but it would be great to try new things!!!
    I think once a month would be good for me, but others might be more ambitious and could handle twice monthly.
    Let's do it!

  4. oooooh that sounds like FUN!! I think once a month would probably be all Ak and I could manage with how busy our lives are at the moment...well really our lives are busy ALL THE TIME. To quote your mom..."My life, my life!"

    Have I ever told you that one of my favorite things to do as a kid was to check world foods cook books out of the library...look at all the lovely pictures...and BEG mom to let me try one :-) So, yes...I'm excited! BRING ON THE WORLD!

  5. I think it would be fun to do! Once a month sounds like a first reasonable goal. Do we want to do countries we already know, or outrageous ones we've never explored? Spain would be an easy country for me to start with..... or if we want to do outrageous (for me), I know nothing about any kind of African food.......will you send me emails to remind me when it's time?


Thanks for saying hello!