

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - Edition 28


Almost forgot to post this ...

Friday ... the kids had Dominoes pizza. Jono won a free large pizza from indoor soccer so we redeemed that voucher for their dinner. Rory and I had carbonara and the pastry pictured above. I'll post the recipe for it soon ... I made it up and it was yummy !

Saturday ... home made sushi ... always a favorite !

Sunday ... dinner is always hard on sunday night because we eat lunch late after morning church and then don't eat again until after night church. This week we had fried eggs and corn on the cob. Odd combo, I know ... but it's what we felt like !

Monday ... Rory cooked a stir fry.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ... I know I keep doing this but I'm not sure what we will have. I've got all these veggies from our local organic farmer so we'll probably be doing something with them on rice !

Don't forget our Foods of The World series that is happening ... only a few more days left this month and then we will start with a new country !! I've chosen the next country and will let you all know what it is on Friday the 24th of October !!


For more Menu Plan Monday, be sure to stop by "I'm an Organizing Junkie" and check out the other posts !!

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