

Menu Plan :)

I have missed the beans blog!!
Life has been crazy but one thing I've had to do to bring some sort of sanity is a MENU! I have been trying to make up a month at a time. Sounds crazy I know, but it helps. It also makes my shopping lists so easy.
I'll post the recipes as I make them and take pictures.
MONDAY - leftovers
TUESDAY - Asparagus HashThis looks delicious - can't wait to try it.
WEDNESDAY - Butternut squash pasta
THURSDAY - (Thursday is always a crock pot day because of schedules) Ham and Lentil soup
FRIDAY - Quesadillas (with white beans and cheesy butternut squash spread)
SATURDAY - Fajitas or Tamale pie (depends on my mood)
SUNDAY - leftovers

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited that you are menu planning Beth ! It sure is a sanity saver for me ! I can tell a BIG difference ( as can my family, I'm sure ) the weeks that I don't plan !!

    I'm looking forward to your recipes ! Especially Friday and Saturday's dinners !! LOOKING GOOD !!

    PS ... If you want to ... you can link this to ... she does Menu Plan Monday and you can put in your link so others can come see ... there are over 300 posts each week !! A great place to get new ideas too ... I link mine ... when I remember ! ha ha


Thanks for saying hello!