

Roasted Red Capsicum Soup

I got this recipe from Everyday Vegetarian ~ a book I checked out from the library. I searched and searched on line to try and find the book but couldn't find a picture of it anywhere. Must be old. Anyway ... here's a photo for you. I know it looks like it's called "yadyrevE nairategeV" but it's not.

I am wondering why I always make my eyes so big in photos. It's weird. I don't walk around like that in real life !! Oh well ... at least my mouth isn't open. That's often the case in photos as well !!

Anyway, here's the soup recipe.

4 large red capsicum (red bell pepper)
4 tomatoes
2 tbls oil
1 red onion ~ chop it up
1 clove garlic ~ I added more
4 cups veggie stock
1 tsp sweet chili sauce

Roast the capsicum. Don't know how ? Lucky for you, I've done a little demo on this very blog. (if you haven't worked it out yet, the colored words in my posts are usually linked !!) Once the cap is roasted, peel the skin and chop the 'meat' up.

For the tomatoes, score a small X on the bottom of each one. Pour boiling water over the top of them. Leave for a minute. Plunge into cold water and then peel the skin off. Chop ( the recipe says to take the seeds out first )

Saute onion and garlic. Add capsicum, tomato and stock. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat. Simmer 20 minutes.

Puree in food processor. Return to pan to reheat gently and then stir in the sweet chili sauce. I think I'll skip the s.c.sauce next time. I don't know that it added anything.

The recipe in the book says to serve topped with pesto and parmesan. We did neither.

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