

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - Edition 18

I made it through all of last week without taking any extra trips to the grocery store !! WOO HOO !!! I'm super excited, can you tell !? And guess what, it's looking like this week will be the same which will bring me in WAY UNDER BUDGET for two weeks in a row !!

We didn't have pizza on Friday this week as we had it the night before. I had a bunch of veggies left over so I made a fried rice and topped it with some grilled chicken shish-kabobs that I bought from the deli section.

We didn't have our scheduled meal as I spent the evening over the toilet bowl. Throwing up. But we won't talk about that !! Rory took care of his and the kids food ...

I still wasn't feeling too much like cooking.
We had fried eggs and breakfast potatoes ~ yeah, we're talking about dinner here.

I tried a new soup. Roasted Red Capsicum (Bell Pepper) Soup
I'll post this recipe soon ...

and I made the Pioneer Woman's Onion Straws? Strings?
She calls them both in the recipe.

Delicious!! All of it !!

Tonight was going to be a crock pot recipe but I didn't get myself organized to put it on this morning so it's not gonna happen. Yeah ... this is Menu Plan Monday and I'm writing it on Tuesday and I changed the date to show that it was posted on Monday ! WHAT OF IT !?! :)

So, what are we having? Well, I've got some leftover hot dog buns that I'm going to make into "pizza buns". You know, a bit of ketchup, olives, cheese ... under the grill for a few minute. PIZZA BUNS !!

The crock pot meal from Tuesday will be had on Wednesday.

Remember this one ? Have you made it yet ??
It's gooooooooood !
I can't wait til tomorrow night !!!

Spinach and Pumpkin Dahl
and a new recipe called Middle Eastern Potato Casserole
and of course, pappadas.

There you have it.
What's cookin' at your place this week ?
Need some ideas ?
If you haven't found enough here, check out more menu plan monday here !!


  1. Goodness I look at your menu and it's like a restaurant gormet are so frigging awesome :)

    YUM YUM YUM on everything.

  2. So sorry you weren't feeling well this weekend! The lamb looks yummy! Going to have to try that one for sure!


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