

Minty Melon, Fig and Prosciutto Salad

Hello!  I've been AWOL from The Beans Blog for some time.  Well, I use it all the time for recipes but I've haven't been posting as I've been busy trying to figure out what foods I can eat and trying a whole bunch of new recipes. I may share more details of my story later but for now I'll just mention that I've been eating according to the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) since April of 2017 and I have seen incredible improvements in my health.  AIP is an elimination diet (and lifestyle) where you focus on eating very nutrient dense foods while eliminating foods that have been found to trigger auto immune disease.  Once your specific symptoms subside, you start to re-introduce foods and watch for symptoms to return. I have done a few re-introductions but have decided to go back to the beginning (well, almost ... I'm keeping eggs!) for another month or two ... or three ... and then I'll start re-introductions again but much slower and much more documented.  In the meantime, I feel like I've got enough of a handle on what I'm eating that I can begin sharing some recipes. 

I got the inspiration for this recipe from Heather Christo's blog.  I changed it up just a little bit though to suit my family's tastes and to make it AIP compliant. 

I didn't worry too much about measurements ... I just kinda threw everything together.  You can use more or less of any of the ingredients listed. 

Prosciutto (make sure the ingredients are just pork and salt if you are strict AIP) I use this one
Rockmelon - I used half of one, cut into thin wedges
Figs - I used three, chopped
Fresh mint leaves, chopped
Fresh basil leaves, chopped
Spring onions - I used four, chopped
Balsamic Vinegar (for AIP, I use Coconut Balsamic Vinegar ... this is the one I use)

Fry Prosciutto til crispy and set aside.  In same fry pan, add a bit of olive oil to prosciutto fat (if needed) and fry til starting to brown.  Set aside. 

Arrange fruit  on a platter or in a large bowl.  Top with spring onions and fresh herbs.  

Chop crispy prosciutto and add to fruit and herb arrangement.  Drizzle with Balsamic Vinegar.


I served this last night with eye fillet steaks that my husband grilled on the BBQ, sautéed zucchini slices sprinkled with garlic powder, sautéed mushrooms covered in fresh thyme and garlic chives, and onions ... again sautéed. We are big fans of the humble sauté. :)