

Crock Pot Vegetable Stock

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I hate wasting food.  I do it, but I hate it.  I want to not do it as much as possible.  This week as I was cleaning out my crisper drawers, I decided to make vegetable stock out of the scraps and veg that didn't get used during the week.  It was so easy.  And now I have five cups of delicious vegetable stock in my freezer.

I used this hints and tips in this post.

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I used mushrooms, celery, green bell pepper (capsicum), carrot, garlic, apple, and spring onion scraps.  I grabbed some parsley, thyme, basil and rosemary out of the garden and added those too ...   Covered it with water and cooked it through the evening and overnight.  In the morning, I drained the liquid off through a strainer and froze it in 1 cup portions!  Easy peasy! 

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