

Greek Salad Skewers

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I wish I had a better picture of these.  I snapped this one quickly as I was in a hurry plating for a luncheon where these were part of the menu.    I saw them on pinterest and thought they looked easy, tasty and healthy.   I changed the ratios a little bit.  Tomatoes are expensive and I was making these for a lot of people so I used half a cherry tomato.  I like olives so I used a whole olive.  I didn't read the recipe in it's entirety, so I didn't do the dressing!  Oops!  I don't know that I would though ... they were good just like this. 

How I did mine ... 

On each toothpick .... half a cherry tomato, a slice of lebanese cucumber, one pitted kalamata olive, one square of feta.


  1. This looks yummy! I make skewered caprese salad with cherry tomatoes and same size chunks of mozzarella. If I have it I put a part of a basil leaf in between the two, and if I can, I drizzle good olive oil and sprinkle some sea salt over all right before I serve it. This is yummy too!

  2. I can verify that the caprese salad skewers are delish! These look tasty too :-)


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