

Macaroons {Cherry Vanilla & Chocolate Raspberry}

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My friend Jaylen, the same Jaylen who taught me to make gnocchi (!!) taught me how to make macaroons yesterday.  We made two flavors and they were both AMAZINGLY delicious !! 
None of us could decide which ones we liked better ... Now, THAT is a good thing !

We based our macaroons on this recipe.  I'll post both recipes with our modifications ...


Cherry Vanilla
175g icing sugar
125g almond meal
3 large egg whites
75g caster sugar
maraschino cherry juice

150g butter, softened
75g icing sugar (yeah, more ... )
pure vanilla extract

Preheat the oven to 160°C/320°F  or fan forced140°C/284°F

Process the (175g only) icing sugar and almond meal in a food processor to a very fine mixture, then sift into a bowl.  (I forgot to sift for the Cherry Vanilla ones and it made no difference.)

I used my electric mixer to whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt to soft peaks, then gradually whisk in the caster sugar until thick and glossy.  I used maraschino cherry juice to flavor.  I stirred this in here.  Probably used 3 teaspoons in the end but we just kept adding a little bit and tasting.

Fold half the almond and icing sugar mixture into the meringue and mix well. Add the remaining half, making sure you use a spatula to cut and fold the mixture until it is shiny and has a thick, ribbon-like consistency as it falls from the spatula. Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle.

Line 2 baking sheets with baking paper. Pipe small rounds of the macaroon mixture, about 3cm across, onto the baking sheets. Give the baking sheets a couple of sharp taps on the work surface to ensure a good ‘foot’. Leave to stand at room temperature for 10-15 minutes to form a slight skin. This is important – you should be able to touch them lightly without any mixture sticking to your finger. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool. (you need to leave them for quite a while or they will break when you try to take them off the baking paper.)

Meanwhile, make the filling. I used my electric mixer to beat the butter until light and fluffy, then beat in the icing sugar.  Add vanilla extract.  Again, we just tasted ... but I think we started with 1/2 a teaspoon and went from there.

Once the cookie part is cooled, ice it and put another one on top ... !!

Chocolate Raspberry
175g icing sugar
125g almond meal
3 large egg whites
75g caster sugar
cocoa powder, we used a raw one

150g butter, softened
75g icing sugar (yeah, more ... )
raspberry essence

Preheat the oven to 160°C/320°F  or fan forced140°C/284°F

Process the (175g only) icing sugar almond meal, and cocoa powder in a food processor to a very fine mixture, then sift into a bowl. I don't know how much cocoa powder we added.  We did it til it looked 'chocolaty' and then later, when we tasted it, we added more cocoa powder til it tasted right.

I used my electric mixer to whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt to soft peaks, then gradually whisk in the caster sugar until thick and glossy. 

Fold half the almond, icing sugar and cocoa mixture into the meringue and mix well. Add the remaining half, making sure you use a spatula to cut and fold the mixture until it is shiny and has a thick, ribbon-like consistency as it falls from the spatula. This is where we tasted and added more cocoa.  Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle.

Line 2 baking sheets with baking paper. Pipe small rounds of the macaroon mixture, about 3cm across, onto the baking sheets. Give the baking sheets a couple of sharp taps on the work surface to ensure a good ‘foot’. Leave to stand at room temperature for 10-15 minutes to form a slight skin. This is important – you should be able to touch them lightly without any mixture sticking to your finger. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool. (you need to leave them for quite a while or they will break when you try to take them off the baking paper.)

Meanwhile, make the filling. I used my electric mixer to beat the butter until light and fluffy, then beat in the icing sugar.  Add raspberry essence.  Again, we just tasted ... but I think we started with 1/2 a teaspoon and went from there.

Once the cookie part is cooled, ice it and put another one on top ... !!


So, there you have it !  Macaroons !  Yum.  Can't wait to experiment with more flavors !! 
 I have Cherry Brandy one in mind ... and a bottle of Midori that would like to come to the party !!

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