

Homegrown Pomegranate


i realize I've been m.i.a for a week or a bit more ... we went on a little long weekend getaway ... just me and my husband !  it was the most amazing time and lots of what we did revolved around eating amazing food.  i will share some of that with you.  i'm just trying to get through this week first !  

but just so you know i'm not ignoring you, here's a little something that i picked out of our garden yesterday.  it was yummy yummy yummy !  if only it wasn't the only one on the plant ! i tried to look on instagram to see how long it took this one to grow and all i could see was that the first photo i posted of the little fruit was 18 weeks ago .... so, i guess it's going to take a while to grow another one, especially since there aren't even any flowers on the plant at the moment.  i guess it took everything it had for my little plant to grow this big piece of fruit ! 

see you soon.  i'm hoping to have time on the weekend to sit and blog.  we shall see ...


Thanks for saying hello!