

Cool Way to Cook Eggs for Bacon and Egg Muffins

I saw this cool cool way to cook eggs on Pinterest, which took me to this blog.  I have been wanting to try it and tonight was the night !  We wanted to make bacon and egg muffins and these eggs were PERFECT for them !  And so easy ...

All you do is spray some oil into the bottom of a muffin tin tray ... crack in the eggs ... pop the tray into a oven that has been preheated to 350F/180C.  I forgot to set my timer so I'm not sure, but I think it was between 10-15 minutes ... I just watched them.

I did extras since these are supposed to freeze and reheat well.  Six eggs are in my freezer and will soon test that theory ! (updated to let you know that they freeze and reheat just fine ...)

For the bacon and egg muffins ... we just do, a slice of cheese, a couple slices of bacon, and an egg between two halves of an english muffin.  Rory added jalapenos to his too ...


  1. Looks very easy! Did you cook the yolks done? What is on the bottom shelf on your first photo? We often do these with ham or canadian bacon....makes it even easier not having to cook bacon! Jalapenos sounds like a good addition!

  2. Bonnie, were you still around when I learned how to do bologna egg cups in the microwave? I would use a custard cup, line it with a piece of bologna, break an egg into it, poke the yolk a couple of times with a tootpick, (probably cover it loosely with plastic wrap or wax paper) and microwave it for a short time till the yolk looked cooked....probably only 30-60 seconds. Don't remember now if I added cheese, but I would if I made it today.... Anyhow, then I would slide it out onto a plate to serve it. Hannah loved them!

  3. Have you tried the frozen ones yet?

  4. You can do this with omelett ingredients, too! We make them with tiny diced peppers, green onions, cubes of cheese and fresh dill. They do reheat really well so it is nice way to use up eggs if you have too many.

  5. Great idea ! I am going to try that this week nikagirl !


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