

Jaylen's Gnocchi & Craig's Bacon Mushroom Sauce

This is the yummiest gnocchi.
Our friend Jaylen taught us how to make it.

His dad taught us how to make the bacon mushroom sauce that goes on top.
This last time we made it, we also topped it with the Winter Veg Sauce ....

You will need:

500g fresh ricotta cheese
150g pecorino romano cheese
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
2 cups flour

Mix the first 4 ingredients and 1/4 cup of the flour.  Season with whatever you like.  Mix into a soft dough.  Add the remaining 1 & 3/4 cups flour and incorporate to make a stiff dough.  Separate dough into 4 pieces and roll them into big long logs.  Cut each log into pieces and then roll the gnocchi using a gnocchi board or the back of a fork.  The gnocchi board is a hundred times easier and they are cheap. (I think I paid $10 for mine, including shipping !)

While you are rolling, boil your water.  Once boiled, add gnocchi.  It will rise to the top when it's done.  Scoop it out and keep cooking in batches til they are all done.  That's it !  Top with whatever sauce you like.  (I'll give you a great recipe below ...) And some more of the pecorino romano cheese !


 Craig's Bacon Mushroom Sauce
(the way I did it)

1 onion, diced
Garlic, as little or as much as you like, diced
Mushrooms, sliced
Bacon,  250g, sliced
Chicken stock, 1 cup
White Wine, 1 cup
Cream, a cup or two ... 
Fresh Basil, chopped

Fry those first four ingredients together with a little bit of olive oil.  Add chicken stock.  Reduce.  Add wine and basil.  Reduce.  Add cream.  Stir and cook til thickened. 

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