

Homestyle Ceviche

Nicaraguan Ceviche is delicious and fairly different from the ceviches I had had in the past. Most ceviche dishes are simple fish with lime and I find them rather bland and overly acidic. This is the version I was taught to make by my sister-in-law, Maryuri. I hope you enjoy it and can forgive my total guesswork on the actual amounts of things; it's hard to put an amount to "nearly all the small bottle of salsa inglesa." Oh, and a note on the fish: what I use is called corvina in Spanish. My translator tells me that's either sea bass or a "large edible fish." I'm guessing any white fish you like would work just fine; no need to buy fresh, I use frozen and thaw it. Ok on to the recipe!!


1 lb fish
7 or 8 small limes
3 roma tomatoes, finely chopped
1/4 cup finely chopped green pepper
1 small onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup culantro (or cilantro or coriander or whatever it's called where you are)
1 tsp salt
2 1/2 T Worcestershire sauce
Tabasco (to taste)
Saltine crackers

Chop thawed fish into bite-sized pieces. Add enough fresh lime juice to totally coat the fish with a good bit extra, let sit for 20 or so minutes, at some point, add salt. While the fish is "cooking," chop all your veggies. Once the fish is totally opaque, add the veg, culantro, Worcestershire and Tabasco. Stir, taste, and adjust seasoning to your preference. Serve with crackers.

Serves 4.

My dashingly handsome assistant


  1. Looks delicious ! I might just try this !

  2. This is a magnificent taste treat! Everyone who sees this recipe must go out and get the ingredients right now! I would perhaps be happy eating this every day!

  3. This is a magnificent taste treat! Everyone who sees this recipe must go out and get the ingredients right now! I would perhaps be happy eating this every day!


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