

What We Ate ~ Week 16 ~ 2012

Sushi ... at Sushi Train


I was given Jamie's Dinners for my birthday. I made two recipes out of it this week. This one is ... Chicken Tikka Masala (I've linked to the recipe on his website !!). SOOOOOO good. I made homemade naan to go with it, and tried a new eggplant side dish since I had picked an eggplant out of our garden that morning. I'll share that recipe with you soon. It was delicious !


Steak ... that Rory cooked on the BBQ. SJG potato salad. Green Salad.

This is another one out of my new Jamie book. I LOVED THIS SOUP !!
It's called Pumpkin Rice Laksa Soup, it is so good. You should try it !!

Thursday nights ... our crazy nights. Made even more crazy for a few weeks ! Nothing much gets cooked if I'm not well prepared. As you can see, I wasn't this week. 2 minute noodles ...

I really need to be more prepared this week. Crock pot ? Something I've cooked the night before ? We'll see ...

I let the kids choose dinner Friday night. Nachos it was. I just chop up a tomato, olives ... green and black, spring onions, sometimes beans, I make a bit of guacamole. We top corn chips with an assortment of those toppings, plus shredded mozzarella cheese and then melt that in the microwave. Only takes a minute or two. Then we top with the guac and sour cream and sometimes salsa.

The boys went to the footy last night so we girls had a sushi picnic and watched Dolphin Tale. Great movie.

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