

What We Ate ~ Week 8 ~ 2012

We've been wanting to try aburi scallops at home for a while ! Rory got me one of those little blow torches for cooking for Christmas and this is the first time we used it. It'll be time to do another sushi post soon ... I've got a few recipes to share !

Black Bean Chili Soup

Another amazing recipe I found on pinterest ... Chicken and White Bean Enchiladas with Creamy Salsa Verde. Oh man, these were good ! I changed them a little bit but I want to try them again before I post my modified recipe ! In the mean time ... you should really try the ones I linked !! I served it with steamed broccoli.

And two more from pinterest. The fish ... Stuffed Salmon with Sriracha Cream Sauce (except we didn't stuff the fish) and this Deconstructed Guacamole Salad.

So, I probably won't bother with the salmon again, it was ok but there are too many other recipes I want to try (!!). The salad on the other hand ... OH YUM !!! Simple. Delicious. Will make it again and again.

Thursdays are crazy ... we are all over the place with sports and work and til late. So, the kiddos had plain pasta with parmesan cheese and it was eggs on toast for Rory and me.

On Friday night we went to our friends place for pizza. I never even thought about pulling out my phone to take a picture ! Getting out of routine does that to me ... although, going over to their place for pizza is pretty darn routine ! :)

Last night we had take away Indian with our next door neighbors. Again, that whole getting out of routine thing threw me with the photo ... but I did remember before I took my plate to the kitchen so there you go !  This is the remnants of Chicken Lahori and Prawn Saag.  


What did the rest of you eat ?  

I'd love to know ...

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