

SJG Potato Salad

My brother in law brought a delicious potato salad to Christmas dinner this year ! Of course, I had to know how he made it. He told me the ingredients. I used most of them ... but not all. I've made this twice. The second time was better than the first and the key was the garlic and how I cooked it. Here's how I did it ...

What you need:
Potatoes, chopped (smallish bite size pieces)
Eggs, hard boiled
Bacon, chopped
Kewpie Mayo
Garlic, sliced (I used a head of garlic)
Red Onion, finely diced

What you do:

There are a few components to this potato salad.  None of them difficult.  There aren't really measurements.  It's all pretty much to taste.

Preheat oven to 180C/375F

You'll need to boil the potatoes to your desired tenderness.  While those are boiling, cook your bacon.  I like it crispy. 

Once the oven is preheated, put the garlic slices and a bit of olive oil into an oven proof ramekin. Cover with tin foil and roast in oven til browned and smelling AMAZING !  (You could just fry the garlic if you wanted but I think the roasting adds so much flavor !) (The first time I made it, I roasted the head whole and then added it to the mayo and mixed it through ... I found the taste of the garlic got lost ... not so when I tried it this way the second time !)

Once potatoes are done, mix through kewpie (japanese mayo) to taste, salt and pepper, capers, bacon & red onion.  Mix.  Slice eggs and add to top ...

Serve.  Try not to eat the whole bowl by yourself !

PS ... Steven also adds corn and parsley.

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