

What We Ate ~ Week 7 ~ 2012

After a full on couple of weeks with five extra people in the house, and basically an empty fridge, I had no idea what we would do for dinner on the Monday after we dropped them all to the airport and then tried not to cry the rest of the day at work ... :)

I was pleasantly surprised when a friend of mine told me that she was cooking her amazing veggie stack and it would be on sale in the cafe that day !! I ordered two, they came with salad, I cooked up some corn on the cob and dinner was taken care of ! Deliciously !

Tuesday night was just as crazy ... I remembered that there was some bacon in the freezer so I just whipped up some of Rory's carbonara and we all inhaled it as quick as possible ... so quickly that I forgot to take a photo !

Wednesday ... still hadn't had time to get to the grocery store so we ordered Indian takeaway ! YUM !

Thursday ... eggs, yep. potatoes, yep. one chicken breast ... defrosted. leftover pesto. one piece of jarlsburg left from burger night.

We worked together and came up with tortilla espanola,  chicken topped with pesto and cheese and a garden salad. 

Friday night. It was pouring down rain and we were exhausted ! I quickly stopped at the store on the way home from work and got the fixin's for Mom's mac and cheese ! It was perfect !

Last night we tried these buffalo chicken tacos that I found on pinterest (do you pin ? let me know, i'll come follow you !). They were delicious. I didn't do them exactly as on the recipe I've linked ... I'll post my version soon.

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