

Roast Garlic & Chicken on Cream Cheese Pizza

This was delicious. Rory says he's not convinced about cream cheese on pizza but the kids and I are ! We loved this !! I found this recipe that I wanted to try but rather than go buy extra stuff, I decided to use what I had. This is the resulting pizza ...

Use your favorite pizza dough.

2 heads of garlic
cream cheese mixed with cream
parsley, thyme, basil, oregano ... all fresh, chopped small
provolone and mozzarella cheese, grated
a cooked chicken, pulled apart
red onions, sliced

Roast 2 heads of garlic. Get that started before anything else as it takes a bit of time. I just wrap the heads in tin foil, into a hot oven for about 30 minutes or until soft and smelling amazing !

I didn't really measure anything else.  I had some cream cheese in the fridge,  I used a couple of spoonfuls, mixed it with some cream that I also had in the fridge just to soften up the cream cheese and make it a bit more spreadable.  I didn't use much cream.  Maybe a tablespoon ?   It won't matter how much you use ... cream cheese and cream, you can't really go wrong !

I spread that on the bottom of the pizza and then sprinkled the herbs on top of that.  Top that with as little or as much chicken as you want to pull off of your cooked chicken.  We froze the rest of our chicken to make Trina's chicken casserole later.  Top with onions and then cheeses.

Bake in 425F/220C oven for about 10 minutes ... or until cheese is melted to your liking. 


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