

Refridgerator Pickles

I am excited!!

I am so excited to FINALLY be posting to Bonnie's wonderful blog!! I was a little (well, a lot) unsure of how to post, but not any more!!! That is because Bonnie gave me a lesson that began with photography and ended up here!!! Yippee!! So....without further ado...

These are my favorite refrigerator pickles. I make them every summer when cucumber season is heavily upon us. I love, love them. They keep for a month in the 'fridge and if you eat 'em up you can add a cucumber or two to the leftover brine before throwing it away. A replenishing of sorts. You can make them spicy or not, it is up to you. If you are in the 'not' category, just leave the red pepper flake out.

Refrigerator Pickles
Makes 1 quart and keeps one month in the 'fridge.
1 c. white vinegar
1/4 c. sugar
1 T. salt
1/2 tsp. black pepper
7 whole cloves
2 bay leaves
1 tsp. red pepper flakes
1 tsp. dill seed
5 or 6 small cucumbers, taking off strips of the peel, and sliced into 1/8 thick rounds. (the best kind to use are Kirby, or pickling cucumbers, because their skins are not bitter or tough, and they have less seeds. However, I have used other kinds of cucumber with success)
1 white onion, cut into half moons, and thinly sliced.

Place the vinegar, sugar, pepper, salt, cloves, bay leaves, red pepper flakes (if using), and dill seed in a quart jar (or other container of the same size). Put on the lid and give it a good shake until sugar and salt is dissolved. Add the cucumber and onion in layers, pressing with a spoon to compact and press into the brine. Put the lid back on and give it another good shake. Place in the 'fridge for 4 hours to marinate. Yum!