

menu plan monday // Khrista 06.27.11

This week's menu is brought to you almost entirely by the Martha Stewart Everyday Food App for iPhone! I love this app! I have many favorite MS recipes and now they are all in one place! yay! I highly recommend it! I also have another app that has been incredibly useful to me that I love and hope to do a post about soon!

Spinach Lentil Soup with Hillbilly Bread
Penne alla Norma (Martha Stewart Everyday Food App Rocks! :)
Homemade Pizza Night - We may have guests so I might make both Funky Lime (I make this a little differently than Bonnie. I should post my tweaks.)  AND Taco Pizza! (My new FAVORITE pizza!)
Early 4th of July feast - undetermined as of yet...
Eat Out

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

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