

Sloppy Lentils (Crockpot)

Most Americans have eaten them... Camp food... Busy weeknight meal... Birthday party meal...

..::Sloppy Joes::..

Here is a much healthier version that tastes JUST like sloppy joes.
My 10 year old daughter, who has a selective palette, LOVES these. 
When I made them recently, she ate them as leftovers two days in a row! :) 
HERE is a little write up on lentils...many reasons why we love them around here! 
I serve these with homemade wheat buns.

1 3/4 cups water
1 cup puy lentils, rinsed

1 cup chopped onion
28 oz can diced tomatoes
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup ketchup
1 teaspoon mustard powder
1 tablespoon (heaping) chili powder
3 tablespoons agave nectar
1 Tbsp white vinegar
salt and ground black pepper to taste

Combine all your ingredients in the crockpot. Turn on low and cook for approximately 5 hours, until lentils are tender and the mixture has thickened and absorbed most of the liquids.

Printable Recipe:

Sloppy Lentils

Note: Adapted from:

Shared HERE


  1. these were yummmmmmmmy ! i changed two things. i only put in 1 tsp of chili powder. it was still too hot. (i think i have chili powder on steroids !!) next time i'll use 1/2 tsp. i didn't have agave either so i used brown sugar. my kids added cheese and greek yoghurt to theirs. i ate mine just as it was. rory ... he added cheese. :)


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