

Meatball Subs

i have so many fun recipes to share with you !

let's start with this one ....

i tried my sister ellie's families favorite meatball recipe last week and boy was it good !

i am so excited that there is still half a recipe in our freezer waiting

for us to eat them very soon !!

i had to adapt it a little bit because i ran out of ketchup ... i used one cup ketchup

and then one tin of diced tomatoes. i think i'll do it that way again.

a tin of tomatoes is a heck of a lot cheaper than ketchup here !


we made our meatballs into meatball subs !

and they were amazingly delicious !

we used ...

white hot dog buns
2 or 3 meatballs, depending on person eating
provolone, jarlsburg (swiss) or tasty (cheddar) cheese ... again, depending on person eating !
and jono (our 9 year old) added paul newmans south west dressing to his

easy peasy !
perfect for dinner and then lunch the next day !

you should try it.

ps ... we had cooked the meatballs the night before and then just heated the up for the subs ! even easier !!

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