

Bonnie's Menu ... 11 - 17 April 2011

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

From last week ...

" I posted this on facebook this morning ... The Beans Blog ~ i'm getting ready to plan a ONE MONTH menu. with my crazy busy schedule it 's hard to stay on top of weekly planning sessions. so, i'm going to try doing a one month menu ... my issue has always been the fresh fruit/veg but with online shopping ... and being able to shop today and not have it delivered until a week, two weeks and three weeks from now, I think it's going to finally work for me !!

Here we go ! I'm still going to post only weekly menu's but I'm going to write the posts now and schedule them to post automatically in a week ... two weeks ... three weeks. Sheesh ... ain't technology amazing ? I could probably do them all in one post but I refer to my menu plans when I'm at work to see what we're having that night or the next and to make sure that I don't need to stop at the store on the way home (sometime I forget to get stuff or it gets used for something else ....) and it's just easier to have them posted each week than to have to go searching !! "

This is week two ....

In all honesty ... I did NOT get this monthly menu completed in one hit ! In fact, I only completed two weeks and then realized that it was going to be much more complicated than I thought to plan an entire month at a time. So ... I need to work out some bugs ! I'm going to give it another go though because I think if I can get a system that works, it will be greatly beneficial !



We are going to try Ellie's favorite meatballs !
Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli

Baked Eggs and Bacon in Potato Bowls
Corn on the Cob


Burrito Bowl

Honey Sesame Chicken

Homemade Fettuccine
to go with Spaghetti Bolognaise* in Freezer

*crockpot recipe
if not using a crockpot ... same ingredients, but use this recipe ...



I'm adding a new feature to my menu plans this week ... printable shopping list, as requested ! You can click on the link and print it straight from Scribd or you can download it using the button below and then print it from your computer ... I'd love some feedback if you use it. I'm open to suggestions too ...

Shopping List 11 - 17 April 2011

1 comment:

  1. those potato bowls sound fun...and pretty simple. have to let us know how they turn out.


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