

My Menu - Bonnie - 29 March 2011


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie


Only planning a short menu this week ! Will plan again Friday ...

AND ... it's mainly going to be meals with ground beef. You see, I bought 2kg of ground beef for hamburgers (for a large group!) the other night ... but then forgot to take the meat out of the freezer so had to buy more. I have all that beef in the freezer and am going to use it this week !

Burrito Bowl

BBQ Meatballs
with mashed potatoes

Spagh Bol (crock pot)

Baked Potato Soup (crock pot)



PS ... if you are friends with the beans blog on facebook, you would have seen the photo of homemade ravioli .... YUM ! that recipe (among others) coming SOOOON ! it's been a busy few weeks for me so haven't been posting much. hopefully things are slowing down now ....

... if you're NOT friends with the beans blog on facebook, what are you waiting for ??

Easy Peasy Quiche

Years ago, a friend of mine gave me this recipe. It's such a good recipe because you can pretty much throw anything in it !

Mix together:
3 eggs
1/2 cup self raising flour
1 & 1/2 cups milk
1 cup grated cheese
1 cup filling (whatever you like)

Throw it all in a quiche dish and bake in the oven. I did mine on 180 and I think it took about 30 minutes but play with it. Next time I make one, I'll make note of how long it took ...

The one pictured here was really nice.

I cooked up a bit of bacon, onion and garlic. Once that was cooked, I threw in some white wine. I didn't measure, just poured it in. Maybe 1/4 of a cup ? I reduced that til there was no liquid left. Chopped up a handful of mushrooms and threw them in. I also had some leftover chicken so I chopped that up and threw it in. I had a little square of cream cheese that needed to be used. I melted that in with the bacon once it was cooked. I added a bit of salt and pepper too. I thought about adding some fresh herbs but in the end I didn't. Maybe it was raining and I didn't feel like going out to the garden ?

Anyway ... this is a great dish to get creative with. You really can't stuff it up ! Just make sure you don't add too much extra liquid !

My Menu - Bonnie - 21 March 2011


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

I'm excited about this week. Not because of the food ... although, we are having some of my favorite meals, but because my brother in law, Ryan is coming to stay with us for a week !! I cannot wait to see him !!

Here's what we're having ... just looking at it, I realized, the first half of the week is chicken ! Ha. But ... they are all pretty different meals so I think we'll survive ! :)

Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Funky Lime Pizza
Buffalo Boneless Chicken Pizza

BBQ Chicken Chimichangas
with Guac

Probably going out ....

Burgers of the Cheese and Burger Society !!

Most likely Fish and Chips on the beach ...

Sunday is a huge day for us so I'm going to wait til closer to plan that dinner ...

menu plan monday // Khrista 03.14.11

It's still Monday here for about 30 more minutes. Always the procrastinator. Please excuse any typos,  and I'll try to get back with some links!
Goodnight! :)


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

Jodie's Sushi Rice and Jono's Favorite Roll

if you're wondering why i haven't posted a menu this week, it's because i haven't made one. oh how i despise not having a menu ! but, we're pretty much just trying to eat out of the fridge/freezer/pantry this week. we're doing pretty well, if we are an ingredient or two short, i just run out and get them. so far, we're still UNDER BUDGET !! hoooray !!

the other night we did very simple sushi. the only ingredients we did were cucumber, avocado, cream cheese and tamago. i had run out of sushi rice vinegar so i tried my friend jodie's recipe for making your own ! it was great. i'll never buy sushi rice vinegar again ...

here's how you make it ...
1/3 cup white vinegar
2 TBLS sugar
1.5 tsp salt

mix in a bowl, zap in the microwave to help the sugar dissolve. i probably took it out and stirred it two or three times over a minute's zap ...

and that's it. use how much you need and save the rest for next time ...

as for this fancy inside out roll. my boy reckons this is the best way to eat sushi. he's always disappointed when we go to a sushi restaurant that doesn't have these. so ... i tried my hand at it and he said it was better than the one he gets at the sushi shop ! how's that for a compliment ?! it really was quite easy. Just roll the sushi mat with glad wrap (plastic wrap) before you start, otherwise you'll be picking rice out of your mat for years to come !

Do your rice as you normally would, sprinkle with sesame seeds and then turn it over. Add your ingredients as you normally would, only you're doing it on the seaweed, not the rice. I did cucumber, avocado and cream cheese for jono. Roll as per usual. Cutting is a bit tricky but if you have a sharp knife, you'll be fine.

That's it ! Easy and yum !!

Changas in the Weber !

So ... our oven broke the other night.
We discovered it when we went to put these in it !

We needed a plan B.
We decided to try them in the Weber BBQ!

We are so glad we did !
They were amazing. It added a smokiness to them.

We will do them this way from now on !

What you need:
1 and 1/2 cups cooked and thinly diced chicken ( about 2 breasts )
1 jar salsa, I use a medium
1 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp oregano
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
2 chopped green onions (spring onions)
I also mix in leftover cilantro (coriander) from making guacamole !
12 eight inch flour tortillas
2 TBLS melted butter, or olive oil
Mix salsa, cumin, oregano, chicken, cheese and onions. Place about 1/4 cup chicken mixture in centre of each tortilla. Roll. Brush very liberally with melted butter, or olive oil. Bake at 400F degrees for 25 minutes or until golden brown. (watch them the first time you make them ... mine don't ever take that long to cook) OR cook in a hooded BBQ ... about 25 minutes. Sprinkle with additional cheese. Serve with salsa (I don't add more salsa to mine but my husband likes hot salsa so he puts that on here ...), sour cream and guacamole.

Bonnie's Carbonara Pizza

(photo taken on my iPhone)

Ok ... so this was super easy to make ! AND so delicious !

One pizza base ... I used Craig's dough recipe ... I still need to post that for you. Soon. I'd do it now but I'm going to have to do it as a video post because it's a show you, not tell you kind of recipe ...

2 red onions, caramelized
1 head of garlic, roasted (cut off top of cloves, wrap in tin foil and put in preheated 200C oven while onions caramelize) (here's a good recipe to show you how to roast garlic ...)
A couple of rashers of bacon, chopped
A bit of cream ... maybe 1/2 of a cup ?

So ... in my big electric fry pan, I caramelized the onions then pushed them to one side and cooked the bacon in the same pan. When the bacon is cooked, add the cream and stir the lot together. Get the garlic that has been roasting out of the oven, squeeze cloves into bacon/onion mixture. Stir. I chopped up the garlic a bit with my spatula so it mixed real well. Spread this mixture onto the pizza base. Grate fresh Parmesan cheese on top. Put into still-hot -from-the- garlic oven for about 15 minutes or til dough is cooked.

That's it.

So yum !

PS ... I think I might add some rosemary next time ...