

Wombok Salad

This is adapted from the recipe on the back of the packet of Fried Noodles

1 wombok (chinese cabbage)
6 spring onions
100 g lightly roasted slivered almonds
1 pack (100g) Fried Noodles

1/4 cup vinegar
1/4 cup sugar
1 Tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1/2 cup olive oil

Throw all the dressing ingredients together. Microwave for a minute or two ... not too hot. Just to help the sugar dissolve.

Chop the cabbage and onions and toss with rest of ingredients. I sometimes add sliced snow peas too, when I have them.

Top with dressing. YUM YUM YUM !!!


  1. Would we call those noodles "Chow Mein Noodles" in the States? How big is a packet? Does the dressing wilt the cabbage? (I like wilted cabbage!) It looks really yummy, and I have wombok in the fridge right now!

  2. Looks yummy. I'll add this to my menu. I need to incorporate more green veggies into my diet. This looks like a tasty way to do it!

  3. We tried it last night. It was excellent.


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