

Pad Thai

i made this again the other night and decided it should be re-posted.
ya'll need to try this !

200g Thai Rice Noodles, soaked in hot water for 20 minutes, then drained & rinsed under cold water.
6 Tablespoons oil of your choice, i use olive
2 eggs, scrambled
a bunch of cilantro (coriander leaves)
5 Tablespoons crushed roasted peanuts (i just quickly dry roast them and then crush them)
250g sliced chicken breast
10 peeled, deveined prawns (i buy ones that have been sitting in garlic and parsley)
4 cloves garlic, chopped
2 red chilli, chopped
1/2 bunch chives, cut in 5cm lengths
5 Tablespoons fish sauce
juice of 2 limes (roughly 4 Tablespoons)
1 & 1/2 Tablespoons brown sugar
250g bean sprouts

Chop everything before you start. Mix together the fish sauce, lime juice and brown sugar.

Heat 3 TBLS oil in a wok on high heat. Add chicken, prawns, garlic and red chilli ... stir for 5 minutes (or til chicken is pretty well done) and then set aside.

Heat the other 3 TBLS oil in same wok on same heat. Stir in rice noodles ... keep stirring for 2 minutes. Add scrambled eggs. Add chives, fish sauce, lime juice, brown sugar and bean sprouts. Stir stir stir ! 3 minutes.

Add chicken/prawns back in.

Garnish with cilantro and peanuts.


  1. It is amazing how Thai and Mexican recipes bear so much resemblance. This recipe you gave perfectly corresponds to a Mexican delicacy called Arroz Mexicana.

    The only difference are cayenne pepper, mixed peas and parsley to flavor.

    Its worth your posting and a try.


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