

My Menu - 31 January 2011


We've been on a real salad kick around here. Last week we had salad almost every night ! It was wonderful !!

So ... last night I put this on facebook ... "i am wanting to make a cool refreshing salad for dinner tonight. anyone got any ideas ? quickly ... i am heading to the store soon !!" I got some great responses ! I ended up making black bean salsa and guacamole. I let them sit in the fridge while we had drinks with the neighbors and watched the kids play at the park, when we came in, we just melted a bit of cheese on some corn chips, in the microwave, it literally took seconds. Then topped those with the salsa, guac, sour cream and black olives. It so hit the spot !!

BUT ... I got so many other cool salad responses on my post and I'm going to try them this week. Some of them we've had before and I was happy for the reminder ! Some of them are new ...


Just me and the kids tonight ... I'm eating WOMBOK salad as I type !
I'll post the recipe tomorrow !!


THE Salad !
This is so yum and makes a bunch.
It will feed us dinner and a few days lunches, at least !



Michelle's Salad
Sweet onion, sliced into rings
Hard boiled eggs, sliced
Boiled red potatoes, sliced
Avocado, cut into small chunks
Carrots and/or celery, if you like
Green olives, if you like
Salt to taste, preferably sea salt
Toss it all with Italian dressing; let sit in fridge for a couple of hours for flavors to blend
Top with shredded cheese just before serving, if you like
Nice and cool, and the eggs and potatoes make it filling enough for a meal.
John and I have this at least once a week during the summer. :-)

I'm going to try making this Italian dressing.


Teresa's Salad
I top greens (any lettuce you prefer) with a mix of white sweet corn, black beans, tomatoes, green chilies, cilantro, green onion, splash of lime juice, salt and pepper to taste. I put a drizzle of creamy ranch or any you prefer, I also love to add leftover grilled chicken to make it a filling dinner. Love the fresh taste!! Oh, can also top with avocado and tortilla chips.


Khrista's Salad Bar

we also like to do "salad bar" at our house in the summer...just ALL kinds of stuff on greens...beans (garbanzo, black, kidney) sprouts, tomatoes, carrots, celery, sunflower seeds, broccoli, red cabbage, butter beans, mushrooms, peppers...etc. you get the picture. ;)

and i will have the ingredients for jamie's broccoli salad out as well ...


I've sort of stopped planning Friday dinners. They are pretty relaxed ... sort of a casual thing. We almost always have drinks with our neighbors and stay outside til well after dark ... sometimes we will all order dinner in, sometimes we all run in and throw something together to share and sometimes we come in late and just eat by ourselves. You never can tell. It's spontaneous and fun and I like it !!


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie


  1. These look delicious, but I can't get too excited over main dish salads of any sort in the dead of winter. My brain thinks soup instead. I hope I can remember THE salad, it looks absolutely scrumptious! Thr broccoli salad looked like it would be an interesting side salad, not sure I would ever want it as a main dish...we'll see...

    PS, don't forget the ham strips and chopped hard boiled eggs for the salad bar!

  2. We make an easy taco salad
    Iceberg lettuce chopped, diced onion, diced tomato, kidney beans, cut up avocado, shredded cheese, fritos corn chips and Catalina French dressing. It's very good and refreshing and usually disappears fast

  3. All of these look so good to me!
    Even Wombok...and I have NO idea what that is!

    And I LOVE taco salad!! MMM.

    I can't wait for summer!

  4. Yeah, mom ... You need to try THE salad as soon as spri g hits !! We had it tonight ... It's so good !!!

  5. yum! I LOVE salad...but I am with your mom on this one...soup in winter! ;) so funny how opposite our seasons are...however with the 70+ degree weather here yesterday you would have thought we were in Oz! ha! cold front coming through though and we get to have SOUP! My fave! :)


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