

Menu Plan Fail

Totally failed at making a menu plan.

Floods have been happening only an hour away from here and I've been a bit preoccupied. I wasn't sure it they would end up down here so the other day, during a break in the rain, I ran up to the grocery store and just grabbed a few things. So ... we'll be eating those up. Just making up recipes and trying to use what we have on hand.

We've been trying out some of the recipes others have posted here at the beans blog.
I can recommend a couple of them !
The Lemon Garlic Shrimp were freaking delicious !
They are basically a heart attack in a bowl but they taste amazing !
We went the whole hog and had a loaf of bread to sop up
those amazingly flavored juices !!

Also tried the lemondoodles.
Actually, we did snickerdoodles, lemondoodles and we made orangedodles as well.
Made the orange ones according to the lemon ones recipe ... just substituted orange, of course.
They were amazing.
We have some dough left over ... I'm going to bake those puppies up for dessert tonight.

Speaking of tonight ... we are trying Asian Chicken Salad for dinner !

Going to go cook it now ...

I'll let you know what I think ! I'm pretty sure I already know ...

It looks and sounds so good.

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