

Tortilla Espanola


Here's how I made this ...

Slice a chorizo sausage, a potato, an onion and a few cloves of garlic. Throw them in a frying pan with olive oil. I usually let the potato cook a bit before I add the onion and garlic. You don't want the potato to get too brown so do this on a lowish heat. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, beat 4, 5 6, eggs ... however many you want ... and a bit of salt. When the potato is cooked to your desired tenderness, pour it into the eggs. Then pour that mixture back into your frying pan. Don't add more oil ... you just use what's already there. Let it cook 'til it's pretty much cooked through ~ but don't burn the bottom ! I throw some garlic chives in at this stage too ! Put a dinner plate on top of the frying pan. Pick up the frying pan and turn it over so now the tortilla is on the plate. Now, push the tortilla from the plate, back into the frying pan. IS THIS MAKING ANY SENSE !?! I found a tutorial for you ... I've linked those two steps so you can see photos !! Anyway ... Once the bottom is cooked, tip the whole thing out onto a plate and you're done !

While that is cooking you can grab out your stick blender and make some alioli ...


I served this the other night with a salad ...

Spinach & Rocket, Roma Tomato, Red Onion, Black Olives, Avocado, Julienned Carrot & Cucumber.
Topped with Feta Cheese ...


We find we don't really need a dressing when we've got avocado and feta !


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