

Maple Walnut and Oats on Fruity Yoghurt

I read on that you should eat Blueberries and Walnuts together. Apparently eating them together boosts memory, reduces oxidative stress and inflamation.
In an effort to eat these two things together, I came up with this little recipe.
I put a small scoop of oats in a bowl, add a handful of walnuts and some pure maple syrup.
Set aside.
Add a scoop or two of greek yoghurt to a small bowl, add some frozen blueberries and banana slices.
Set aside.
I leave both of these things for a little bit because I like the blueberries to thaw a bit ... and for the walnut to 'candy' a bit. When ready to eat, add oats & walnuts to yoghurt & fruit.
Mix & eat.


  1. This looks like a great combination for your tastebuds and body!

  2. This looks like a great combination for your tastebuds and body!


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