

Buttermilk Ranch


We love Ranch. Unfortunatly, the store bought one is laced with preservatives ... and who knows what else !? So ... I have been on the lookout for one to make at home. I found a Ranch Dressing recipe in a Donna Hay cookbook ... it was a bit runny as a dip ... yet tasty ... so I modified it to make it more dippish ...

Here's what I did ...

3 Tablespoons Buttermilk
1/2 cup (or more if not thick enough) of sour cream
2 tablespoons vinegar
2 tsp dijon mustard
A handful of chopped chives and parsley
Salt and Pepper

I think all add some garlic and possible a bit of onion powder to it next time ...

Mix all ingredients and dip raw veggies into it. We love cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, carrot and yellow capsicum (bell pepper) !



  1. Is this a trick question ?
    I go to the store and buy it ...

    How do YOU get buttermilk ?

  2. Is it unprocessed? I was kind of reckoning you had figured out a way to make it.....the best I can ever do as a substitute in baking is to sour milk by using lemon juice. I've always been curious about how real buttermilk is made....not a trick question at all!!!!!

  3. Ahhh ... well, it doesn't have any preservatives, so it fits our specifications for unprocessed. The carton just says it is made by adding cultures to low fat milk ... Perhaps a bit like yoghurt ?? Hmmmm ... interesting.


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