

Spaghetti Bolognaise in the Crock Pot


I've been making my spaghetti sauce like this for years ... but this is the first time I've let it simmer all day in the crock pot. I'll do it that way EVERYTIME now ... it was sooo good. So much more flavor infusion !!

I don't use exact measurements. I add how much I like and then adjust for taste !
500g (1lb) mince (ground beef)
1 onion, diced
garlic to your taste preference, chopped to your size preference
button mushrooms, sliced
kalamata olives
dry white sherry
brown sugar, maybe 1/2 a tablespoon
fresh oregano
fresh parsley
fresh basil
fresh chives
2 dried bay leaves
a few big cans of tomatoes
tomato paste
tomato puree
1 jar of Five Brothers Roasted Garlic Sauce (optional)

Start by sauteeing all the garlic and onions together. Add the mince (ground beef) and brown. throw the mushrooms in for the last couple of minutes. Put in crock pot and add all your cans of tomatoes, you sauce (if using) some tomato puree, and tomato paste. I just do it to a nice thick consistency ... Add herbs. I only chop the chives. The rest, I just pick off the stalks and throw 'em in. As you can see, I like it herby !! Add your kalamata olives. A bit of a weird ingredient but if you like olives you will probably love this ! It gives the sauce such a nice flavor !! Add your sherry and the brown sugar. (to take the edge of the acidity of all those tomatoes !! ) Cook on low all day !!

I filled my crock pot when I made this and it fed us for dinner, lunches the next day and I still have two big dinner with a lunch the next day portions that I froze for later !! I figure, if you're making it ... make lots ! It's minimal extra effort now for a great pull out of the freezer on a 'for whatever reason I can't cook tonight' night !!

1 comment:

  1. Such a good idea to do the sauce in the crockpot. I'll try that. I hope you'll come over and linkup!


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