

Mom's Hot Apple Cider

This is repost of my Mom's Hot Apple Cider recipe. I'll add a couple of notes in red ... and a photo of the batch I made the other day ! So yummmmy ... and perfect for right now ... winter in Australia !!!


Starting post from Mom now ...

This has long been a tradition at the family holiday gatherings. It is so easy, I start it last thing before I go to bed and wake up to the most amazing perfume ever! It's healthy, too!


-1 bottle apple cider, the bottle that's about 1/2 gallon (I can't find cider here so use 2 litres of apple juice)
-1 bottle cranapple juice--same amount as the cider (Cranberry Apple Juice ~ 2 litres)
-whole cloves (I fill my tea ball nearly half full of them and throw the ball in--keeps the cloves from getting in my cup (yuck!))
-2 cinnamon sticks
-a pinch or two of powdered ginger (add to taste, but remember it will get stronger since it will simmer overnight)

Throw everything into the crockpot, set to low and simmer overnight. (I continued to let it simmer all day long too and wow ... when I got home from work and had it again it was even better than first thing in the morning)

(If you need to make a second batch, good luck, because it isn't nearly as good heated together on the stove, or heated on high in the crock pot till it's hot. The flavors really need to blend for all those hours.)

P.S. All of the comments in parentheses are things I have discovered by doing wrong, ignore them to your taste buds' peril!

P.S. you get ready to enjoy this yummy drink, clink your mugs and give thanks to the Giver of All Good Gifts, and hug everyone nearby!

PS from Bonnie ... this makes a HUGE BATCH so make sure you have people to share it with or reduce the measurements.

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