

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 14 June 2010


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

I didn't make a menu plan last week ... and I didn't cook for eleven days ... weird ! Early Tuesday morning of last week, I got a call from my Mom letting me know that my Grandma had died. I was on a plane the next morning, flying from Australia to Ohio, USA ! I spent nine amazing days with various family members ... and three with my whole family, including both parents, all three siblings, all of my aunts, uncles and cousins on that side of the family.

It was just me who went. The kids stayed home with Rory. His Mum was here for a few days to help out but for a week, he was on his own. He wowed my facebook friends by posting photos of what he was cooking ! For those of you who missed it ...


His homemade nachos with homemade salsa, homemade guacamole and sour cream.
The only bummer about these nachos is that I didn't get to eat them ...


And then this ... from the Cheese and Burger Society. It's #7 - The Farmer John.

French Bread made into French Toast ... Hamburger Patty ... Cheese ...
Bacon ... Hash Brown ... Onion Rings ... Homemade Onion Rings !

Our eight year old son ate this entire burger !


I got back Saturday. I slept through dinner that night. Last night we did an easy throw together pasta and then today I planned my first menu and headed to the shops with Alia to get this weeks food ! It's lookin' pretty good ! Here's what we're having !

It's Alia's night to pick the meal and help me cook.
She chose ...
Homemade Mac and Cheese
Tonight, she and I will perfect it, take photos
and I'll post an unprocessed recipe this week !!!

Spaghetti Bolognaise ~ my own recipe.
I'm going to let it simmer in my crock pot all day long ~ a little experiment.
I'll post the recipe for this one too !

Jono picked Burgers from the Cheese and Burger Society !
He and Rory are going to try #28 The Havana.
Alia and I are going to try #8 The Aunt Millie.
We'll be doing two different breads.
Should be interesting.

We'll also do homemade onion rings on the side.

Another Crock Pot Meal. A new one.
Garlic Chicken Farfalle ... I'm going to use spirals but Farfalle sound better.

Lemon Grilled Chicken
Cauliflower and Broccoli

Rosemary Chicken Pizza
Funky Lime Pizza

Black Bean Chili Soup

I'm going to come back and put links in later ... if I get a round tuit. We'll see !


Thanks for saying hello!