

Mango Lassi

1 cup plain yogurt
1 1/2 cup ice cold water
1 mango
3 T sugar

Combine all ingredients in a blender.
Blend about 15 seconds or until frothy.

Pour into glasses and serve immediately.

This is also quite lovely with rum.
But if you make grown-up lassi, add more sugar.


  1. This was my favorite drink in India. I had one almost every time I went into the Bazaar at this little shop (it was actually rather big for shops in India, but small compared to anything here.) right by the clock tower. YUM.

  2. This was my favorite drink in India. I had one almost every time I went into the Bazaar at this little shop (it was actually rather big for shops in India, but small compared to anything here.) right by the clock tower. YUM.

  3. Ok...not at all sure why it posted my comment twice....weird!

  4. Would this be any good without sugar ?

  5. You could use honey or some other kind of sweetener. I think it does need sweetening, but it never hurts to try!


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