

Fun {with} Pancakes


I like to make mini pancakes for the kids lunches ... I put this insanely delicious fruit spread in between two of them and send 'pancake sandwiches' as a lunch box treat ... yum. I usually make myself a couple too ...

Here's how I make our pancakes these days ...

Add the following to a blender ...

1 &1/2 cups milk ... regular, skim, soy, almond, powdered ... doesn't matter. I've tried them all !
1 Tbs honey
2 Tbs olive oil
1 & 1/3 cup whole wheat flour (whole meal spelt flour is also good)
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp pure vanilla extract


Pour pancake size batter blobs into a heated frying pan ... when they bubble for a bit and the edges begin to go darker than the rest of the pancake, flip it ... Cook a couple more minutes and voila ... pancakes !


Another fun thing ... as if pancake sandwiches aren't fun enough ... is to pour your batter into a big jar and head down to the beach and BBQ your pancakes there for a beautiful Saturday morning breakfast !!


1 comment:

  1. okay, this totally reminds me of those japanese bean paste pancake!!

    but i am thinking yours might be a mite tastier!


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