

Spicy Potato Pizza

This was a little experiment ... I liked it ok the first night ... I liked it lots as leftovers !

I used my whole wheat pizza dough ... and then the recipe for spicy potatoes ...

All I did was thinly slice a potato or two ... just enough to cover the top of the pizza. In a bowl, I mixed a bit of olive oil and the spices:

1/4 tsp ground turmeric
1/4 tsp chilli powder
1/4 tsp salt

Add the potatoes. Let them sit while you roll out your dough ... then add your potatoes to the top of the dough. I drizzled all the olive oil and spice mixture onto the top ... there wasn't a heap left ... you really just want them coated ... Put your pizza into the oven. 200c/400f ... for about 15 - 20 minutes.

While that's cooking ...

2 tbls oil
1 or 2 tsp black mustard seeds ( I never measure these, just pour 'em in ... )
3. 4, 5 (??) garlic cloves, crushed
1 tbls sesame seeds

Get your smallest frying pan and heat the oil. Add the mustard seeds. I use a combination of black and yellow seeds. Fry the mustard seeds a couple minutes ~ til they splutter. Add the garlic. Fry for a couple of minutes. I like the garlic to begin to turn brown. Then add the sesame seeds. Fry for a couple of minutes ~ til they begin to turn brown. Remove from heat.

When the pizza comes out of the oven, top with the mustard seed mixture !!


We think this needs something ... maybe a sauce for the base. Don't think tomato will be good, that's why I didn't use anything. Any ideas ?? A cream base ? A pesto base ? Help us out here ... this could be an AMAZING pizza if we could just find that 'something' it needs !!

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