

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 1 March 2010

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

i have no menu plan this week ! eeek !
i hate it when i don't have a plan !
but i have not had time to
make one and that is
just plain old

lately, i've been planning and shopping on the weekends but i was not home at all this weekend. and i didn't have one minute to think about menu planning. but the crazy busy that kept us away from home all weekend is now finished ... we should be moving into a more mild busy. a busy that's more manageable and less crazy !! i also started my new position at work today and so i'm in that "will i ever have any idea what i'm supposed to be doing?" stage ... plus, it's been raining steadily for-what-seems-like-ever (!!) and i hate grocery shopping in the rain. weird. i know.

i have to get back on track soon though. cooking without a menu for me is high stress. especially when trying to do it unprocessed !! but ... the weather is cooling and that means SOUP, lots and lots of SOUP ! I can't wait.

i'm getting ready to go out and put the potatoes in the crock pot so we'll have Crock Pot Baked Potato Soup (minus the bacon) for dinner tonight. I've got some chicken mince in the freezer so I think tomorrow night will be Spanikopita Meatballs and then I need to have a menu planned for the rest of the week ...

i just heard the kettle finish boiling. i'm off to make myself a cuppa. care to join me ??


  1. YES!...oh's rainy there and sunny here...guess I'll have to settle for having a cuppa here at the same time you're having one there...

  2. I just made crock pot potato soup the other day and we both loved it.
    I've never put avocado on top of potato soup before, but it was great!!

    I need to post my curried pumpkin soup soon so you can eat it. I just pulled a bag out of the freezer last night and we had it for dinner... yum

  3. AVOCADO !!! I had one in the fridge but totally forgot to put it on the soup last night !!!!

  4. Avocado is the one ingredient that separates this recipe from all other potato soup recipes at our house!!!! We occasionally forget the green onions, but NEVER the avocado!!!!


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