

Mango Madness

I adore mango. I haven't always. Well, I'm fairly certain that I'd never tried a mango until I went to India. The way they ate it there was to cut the top off and suck the flesh out. I found the skin to have a very unpleasant taste and came away thinking mango was a bit soapy. I didn't let that stop me from trying one when we got to Australia though ... and boy am I glad ! The mango here is insanely delicious ! So sweet. So juicy. It's a treat ! I loooove when mango season hits. This year was a particularly good season too ! Some of the mangos we ate were ENORMOUS ! So ... a month or so ago, not wanting to leave it too long and miss my chance (like I did last year) I bought a box of mango. This box cost me $20 ... which made them $2 each. That's a very reasonable price !

The way a fair dinkum Aussie eats a mango is to cut the two 'cheeks' off ...
as close to the seed as possible ... like you can see in the photo above.

Then you score it and push the flesh inside out and eat the luscious pieces just like that.
I, however, took it one step further ... I cut the pieces off and filled a ginormous bowl.

When I was done cutting it all up, I scooped one cup serves into snack size zip locks
and popped them into the freezer. Perfect for pulling out later to make mango ice cream !!!


  1. It sounds to these Yank ears that you're becoming a fair dinkum Aussie yourself, and that makes me very pleased. You'll always be a daughter of the good ole USA and an adopted SpanItalCanNihonjin, I reckon, but I don't think this country has any truer allies than our Australian friends, and we are just delighted to have a wonderful extended antipodean family down under.

    I know this is a food blog, but you know that language is food to me. The other day one of my coworkers (a Mexican young lady) told me her husband told her I have no accent when I speak Spanish. That is the highest compliment. Of course, I wish I had a more extensive range of expression in Spanish to speak with little accent!

    Anyway, aside from my lingutistic ruminations, I think this is the mango post I'm commenting about. Your mom always waxed rhapsodic about mangos. I had never encountered them until we met (and many years after that, in fact). I do like them. Glad to hear Australian mangos are tasty...Love, Dad

  2. I think it was Ellie that told me that there were two kinds of mangos...the kind you suck out and the kind you cut up. I reckon the suck them out kind must have been in season when we were there...I far prefer the cut-em-up kind. I cannot get mangos anything like what you get there (avocados either for that matter!) that box you got looks absolutely lucious. Lucky you!

  3. I think it's about time you both come to Australia and eat mango ! You've got a bit of time since we are just finishing mango season ....

  4. This is the only way I ever ate mangos in India...and they were always cut for me...BRILLIANT!


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