

Homemade Sweet Chili Sauce {!!} & Chicken & Prawns ...

Ok ... so I found a recipe in a cookbook to make your own sweet chili sauce. I had to modify it a fair bit since it had heaps that we can't use at the moment. Here's what I came up with.

For the Meat ...

2 chicken breasts, chopped into bite size pieces
As many prawns as you like ... I think we did about 5 each
2 kaffir lime leaves, get rid of the middle 'rib' and chop the leaves small
juice of one lime
2 tablespoon peanut oil

Mix lime juice, oil and kaffir lime leaves. Soak chicken and prawns (I soaked in two separate bowls) while the BBQ heats up. Cook on BBQ.

For the sweet chilli sauce ...

1 TBLS peanut oil
2 coriander roots, washed and chopped
4 garlic cloves, minced
5 long red chillies ... to taste (seeded and chopped)
a few squirts gold label (or you could use fish sauce)
1/2 cup palm sugar, grated
1.5 TBLS coconut, desicated
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
1/2 cup water

Use stick blender to blend chili, coriander roots and garlic (with 1 TBLS water) into a paste.

Add mixture to saucepan with remaining ingredients. Boil and simmer, til sauce thickens. ( I think it took 10/15 minutes)

Serve on a bed of steamed baby bok choy with BBQ'd chicken and prawns ... drizzled with sweet chilli sauce and a sprinkle of cilantro (fresh coriander leaves) !


  1. Even though I am a little bit allergic to prawns, I would love to eat this!

  2. how did i not know about this side of you, bonnie? how delicious. mmmmm.


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