

Change in Plans ...

I cooked this caraway cauliflower and potato dish a while back. Got the recipe out of a library cookbook. Totally can't remember what book ... and can't find it in the ones I've still got at home so must have returned it. Probably not something I'd cook again anyway ... although, it did have an interesting mix of flavors so maybe I might have. Oh well ... maybe I'll come across the recipe again one day !

I've been thinking about my pre-planned menu plans and I've decided to do them a bit different than I originally thought. It is too tricky to try and do the plans along with what I'm cooking ... mainly because I try so many recipes and who knows if it will even be good !

So, what I've decided it to make a few menus and grocery lists using recipes I've already made and know are good. I will be able to balance the cost that way too ... I'm hoping to get some time on the weekend to put a few together for you all to try !

I'll let you know when they are done and where to find them ....

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